Patience has never been my favorite virtue! I hate waiting for anything and I a planner. I have found patience is harder when you like to plan for things. I am really trying to take this time that we are waiting to work on my patience.
Hebrews 6:12 says "Through faith and patience we inherit the promises" It doesn't say "Have faith and you'll get what you want!" Those of you who are in the process of adopting or have gone through it previously know that adoption is a
HUGE walk of faith. Many times Ryan and I have often felt like we were in the dark not knowing what is happening. At the beginning of the process you are busy with paperwork, getting things done. Then comes the home study and all goes well and you are approved. After that you begin the wait and that's where faith and patience really come into play. Not that you don't need them before hand you do! Our agency and our social worker are wonderful. We get updates every month and they always have trainings and classes that we can go to that are very helpful. Our social worker is truly the best she is always there to answer questions and is so patient with me. Even with the amazing support we have there are many times when we still feel in the dark not knowing what is happening or when it will.
Patience and faith go hand in hand. To have faith you have to have patience. Lest you think I am trying to sound like I am perfect (so wrong) I have to diligently work on this every day. Some days are better than others. There are times when I am out shopping at Target or Wal-Mart if I feel brave and adventurous and I swear babies are coming out of the wood work. It's like everywhere I turn I see a pregnant woman or a baby. On those days my patience takes a serious nose dive. And then there are the days when I feel God's peace and I feel so reassured and calmed. I have found a verse that gives me tremendous peace and comfort. I hope that it helps al of you as well!
1 Corinthians 10:13 (The Message)
13No test or temptation that comes your way is beyond the course of what others have had to face. All you need to remember is that God will never let you down; he'll never let you be pushed past your limit; he'll always be there to help you come through it.